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#Vicetshirt Fashion LLC In your novel, Isa and Gala work as much as they can so they can live a very modest but glamorous life, just enough to pay for the I will not comply 1776 American flag shirts it is in the first place but cab home from a party. But as they work from gig to gig to make money, their life doesn’t always feel aspirational. Were you always interested in that world? Definitely. I think it’s a constant urge. I like getting away with things. I love that they were able to get away with stuff and there’s a sense of mischief. That’s really important and also really integral to reading the book—feeling a sense of glee about getting away with something. I remember being young and, especially when we were underage, getting in somewhere, like getting snuck in or going through the back door somewhere. The sense of being able to have a night that you instigated was really important to me. I wanted to have these girls be very naughty, go around New York, and people being like, “I don’t know what to do with you.”
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